Malayalam actor Mammootty returns to Tamil films after a hiatus, in ‘Aruvadai’. He will play a CBI officer, and his co-stars will be Arjun and Sneha. The film is to be produced by Henry for Pankaj Productions.
It seems to be a packed calendar for Arjun this part of the year, with ‘Bommallatam’ and ‘Marudamalai’ also set to hit screens soon. Another hero Jai Akash will also make a special appearance in the movie.
After playing some unconventional roles, Sneha is doing the role of an Air Force officer. “I have done a variety of roles, but for the first time I am acting as pilot. I like the role very much, particularly to dress in white. I know that I can do justice to the role.”
Producer Henry has written the screenplay for the first time. He says that the film will portray an innovative way of ending poverty. “This film brings out the concept in the best possible way.”
The film has been shot in Chennai, Kochi, Marthandam, Thengapattinam and Ilayankudi. The music for the film has been scored by Vidyasagar, and the film is being directed by Aravind.
Vidyasagar is the music director and Rajesh Yadav the cameraman. Lyrics are by Vairamuthu, Pa. Vijay and Yugabharathi. The film is being shot in Chennai, Cochin, Marthandam and Kanyakumari.
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