Stories guess by the kamal fans:
Marmayogi is a story about an uncivilized man living in the dense forests of “kakaachi” mountain zone near Thenkaasi Tamilnadu in the 15th century who later comes out to revolutunize the world and turns out to be one of the greatest saints the world has ever produced.
Marmayogi will portray the (love/after family) life of one of the greatest sithaars of Tamilnadu “BOGAAR”.
“BOGAAR”s life is full of mystic facts/happenings and hence he has penned the right name for his nextcoming film.
Kamalhassan has been working/researching on this script for the past 5 years and has finally tuned it for his next film.
Another story follows:
so, the story goes like this .. there are two twin brothers offcourse both are kamla hasan 1 is marma and other is yogi... marma is very jolly and have a modern gal friend.. and yogi is a zhooma fighter ..means he kill people with his eye movements. when he sees up .. a slap on the villan face .. when he sees stright .. the the tummy...
there father is a post master who has been killed by an MNC coureir compnay..as he was very Honest with his work and MNCs were not able to do bussines in this area of work...
well marma has become a music director .. but yogi is still in village moving is eyes balls.. to fight with MNCs....but there is a twist when yogi get congective eyeties !!!!!!!!!!
and marama comes to help his brother .. by PLYING a special music to kill the emplyoees of the compnay ... finaly i will stop writing as the end is there in the movies.
Some of the TrustWorthy sources from KollyWood Industry unveiled that the film “MarmaYogi” bottom line story is based on 6th Century set-up. It also exposed that the war scenes will be taken expensively at Switzerland with help of graphics. For the first time in KollyWood Red One Camera is used to shoot the film and it is official that the Musician A.R.Rahman is scoring the music for the film.
A few days before A.R.Rahman received the Lifetime Achievemet Award at Chennai. During this function Kamal Hassan through the video clip, congratulates the master musician by saying “Marmayogiyil meendum santhippom”. Hope the Kamal will give another treat like “Dasavatharam"